
รีวิวโพสต์ yoyo or maclaren

Oh, & some dads can sprint with their prams! Dunno, maybe our stride-per-min is low because i don't have a McLaren or YoYo pram & can't take corners quickly? From the same station, Kenya & i are last to the nursery i'll have to turn that into a positive metaphor somehow 🤷🏽‍♂️

@Londonist @TfL Babyzen YOYO or Maclaren Triumph.

@SamuelMarcLowe @TrineeshB We made the same decision for our 3wk old. Bee is compact but feels like a 'proper' pram (+does parent facing). Pointless going bigger - never understood getting a huge pram for tiny baby only to get a McLaren when they grow. Yoyo or the new Bugaboo Ant perfect for travel/city.
